Day 12 of the #30DaysOfVideos Challenge...Here's What I'm Learning About Myself. It's Probably True For You Too!

What I'm learning that you should to... Update on Day Twelve of the #30DaysOfVideos Challenge!.png

News flash…Doing video is HARD.

But you already knew that right? Because if it were easy, you’d do more of it and everyone else would be doing it too. But they’re not…

I’ve officially done 30 videos in the last 12 days. Some of those have been private in our group for The Challenge (the next one coming in September). The others have been spread out across all platforms, some are live, and some prerecorded ones.

Here are the THREE biggest things I’m LEARNING right now…

  1. Overthinking video content is going away!

    When you only do a video a week or for some of you, a video or two a month, you overthink everything. You want it to be perfect because you don’t know when you’re going to do another one. But since I have to do a video every day, if I keep overthinking it, I’ll lose the challenge. In the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, he talks about how important our systems are for the goals we hope to accomplish. Do you want to get better at video? Create a new system that forces you to do videos for 30 straight days…you’ll get better! I promise…

  2. The topics I’m willing to talk about are increasing!

    Under normal circumstances, I would be really picky about what I choose to talk about. Hopefully avoiding boring topics that no one cares about. At least…that’s what I thought. What I’ve found is very different from what I thought…the things I call boring, others find interesting. The videos I think will crush it don’t. The videos I think will be boring, but I do them anyway…they get the most feedback! It’s insane! Why? Because the more “boring” we are, the more relatable we are to those around us. It’s powerful. But again, when we do a video a month, these topics will never make the actual video, they’ll get suppressed. Unleash them on your people…it WILL grow your business!

  3. Perfection is going away!

    This one isn’t as much for me…I’m pretty good at just showing up as myself. But for the people in our group…they are watching their confidence increase and their willingness to be themselves increase as well! The women are showing up with a little less makeup on…powerful! Some of the guys are doing videos shirtless (I will not be doing this one). They are realizing that their people want them as they are…not the “business version” of themselves.

All in all, we are only twelve days into this challenge, and walls are crashing down! The men and women that are a part of this challenge are going to FOREVER be changed and their businesses will be BETTER because of it! My question to you is…

What’s holding you back? September is coming…will you join us?

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