Video Marketing Therapy

If you’d rather not read…I did a video about all this too.

Last week I was in Los Angeles attending an event where I would be on one of the marketing panels.

I woke up that morning and while getting ready, went into a slight panic…

I knew they were going to ask each panelist to introduce themselves and I suck at that!

“What I am going to say?”

“What can I say to make them think I’m cool?”

“I should already know this!”

These were just a few of the thoughts running through my mind.

I quickly thought, “I essentially counsel people through their struggle to get in front of the camera, so I’m kind of like a therapist.”

It was at that moment that I declared from my hotel room, I’m a Video Marketing Therapist!

Yes, that was it!

I said it from the stage hours later and the feedback was awesome (well, at least to my face)!

So here we are with the first installment of “Video Marketing Therapy.”

Today’s lesson is this…BELONG BEFORE YOU BELIEVE!

“Belong before you believe.”

In different aspects of our lives, if we wait to take action based on believing something, we’ll be waiting around forever!

When my oldest was born, we didn’t get to wait around to believe we were good parents before we went home from the hospital…they just put this little guy in our arms and off we go!

We officially belonged to the League of Parents! Just like that…

We belonged to that club and our belief strengthened later.

When I became a pastor…I had no idea what I was doing. My belief in my abilities was very low. But I had no choice, so I chose to belong before I believed.

You didn’t get into your industry with a strong hope and desire to be all over social media and in front of the camera. I get that. You didn’t choose this.

But it doesn’t change what’s true…

Your people need you. You BELONG here. You may not believe it yet, but you do.

It’s a lot easier to act your way into a feeling than feel your way into action.

You BELONG before you BELIEVE.

So, what’s the action step to take right now?

Two things…

#1 - What causes you to lack belief in yourself?

Did something happen to you when you were younger that shook your confidence? Did you have a parent that didn’t know how to encourage you but was great at discouraging you? Did you apply for your first job and were told you aren’t good enough? Something happened in your past that’s holding you back from your future! You need to figure out what that is and begin to process it. Most likely…your beliefs are rooted in a life that your previous self believed and now you do too. Squash it!

#2 - Do something today!

I don’t need you to go all-in…I just need action. Maybe you’re not ready for LIVE video, but can you record a video that you’re going to text your friend? Can you do a video showing people your office and put it in your stories on FB and IG? When we string actions together our lives begin to change!

I hope Video Marketing Therapy has helped you today…

If I can serve you in any way, please tell me! You’re not alone on this journey. Putting yourself out there is hard. Having people on your side encouraging means everything! So, if no one else says it, I BELIEVE in you! Thanks for reading.

Kyle DraperComment