Core Values


Our Core Values & Mission Statement

In no particular order…

#1 - My Effort Isn’t For Me. (I live my life for others)

#2 - Character Matters Most.

#3 - Leadership Serves Everyone.

#4 - Video Is The Difference Maker.

#5 - Do The Right Thing, Always.

#6 - Excuses Aren’t An Option; Go To YouTube.

#7 - Assume The Best.

#8 - Actually LIsten.

#9 - Stay Open To The Ideas Of Others.

#10 - Ready, FIRE, Aim.

#11 - I Exist To Love Others Because HE First Loved Me.

Our Client Vision Statement

It is our mission to help you see what’s already in you. A unique voice a skill set…a passion to serve others, and a desire to grow your business without having to sell to anyone. We do this through empowering, equipping, and educating Realtors & Lenders to use social media the right way. By resetting the mindsets you carry about social media and helping you realize that leading with value is more powerful than trying to sell. Your friends don’t need to be impressed by you, they just need to remember that you actually exist. When you do social media as yourself, for the good of others, good things always happen.

OUR Company vision STATEMENT

We want to be seen as a partner that is for you. Not looking for win-wins, but just for your win. Though we are a marketing company, we want clients to feel loved on and poured into. We want our clients to feel fought for. We want our client’s marriages to improve. We hope their children notice a difference…because this is so much more than just marketing. It’s a calling to be a better person…not just in business, but in our homes and communities. We want our clients to be family. And we want our clients to make so much money through our relationship, that their dreams and goals never stop getting bigger!

My Life Verse

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves…” - Philippians 2:3