The Shopping Cart Theory.

The shopping 
cart theory..png

Everyone has their pet peeves. I have one that really gets me...and it's when someone doesn't put their cart up at the store. It drives me nuts!

There are few greater examples of not caring about anyone but yourself.

I go out of my way to put my cart up every time. I will even park next to the cart return on purpose, so it's easy to put my cart up when I finish loading my groceries. I even put my cart up when I have a three-year-old with me. I even put my cart up when it's 10 degrees outside. 

In my opinion, if you are an able-bodied human being, there are zero excuses for why you shouldn't do the same.

But here is the conclusion I've come to in my years of frustration...

If you don't put your cart up...YOU PROBABLY ARE NOT A SUCCESSFUL PERSON.

Yep, I said it. If you care so little for others that you won't put your cart up, there's a great chance you aren't very successful in life. 

You know why I believe this to be true? Two reasons...

#1 - You are super selfish. You may also be the person who's late to work, then weaves in and out of traffic because for some reason, you think you getting to work is more important than the other 1000's of drivers. (and if you are reading this and getting mad at me, be honest with yourself, don't shoot the messenger, look in the mirror)

#2 - Because success in life comes in the consistency of the small things. Success is the small things done consistently day after day. Why are people fit? Because they are consistent with diet and exercise. Why are some parents great parents? Because they are consistent with the small things in regards to their kids. It's not rocket science, guys. To do things well in life, it's really, really simple.

What if we all made a commitment to be more consistent with the small things? How much would our lives change? And please hear me, I'm by no means saying I'm perfect. I'm sure I bug someone else with their pet peeve. But we should desire each day to serve and put others first, and nothing says the opposite of that quite like leaving a cart in an open parking lot for someone to chase down or retrieve after it crashed into their car.

Internalize this blog how you wish. Get mad. Agree with me. Think I'm stupid. I don't really care. But after you do that, do a self-evaluation by asking these questions...

1. What did you do this week that wasn't about you?

2. How many questions did you ask?

3. Do you always have to lead or are you willing to follow?

4. When you went to the store, did you put your cart up?! (sorry, I couldn't resist)

If you agreed or disagreed with this blog, feel free to share. Have a great weekend, everyone! :)


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