Watch Your Eyeballs!


Though your eyes technically face out…for many, your vision goes in.

We can get so caught up in our own issues and needs, we become oblivious to the needs of others.

This has been something that I’ve worked really hard over the years to address in myself.

On Tuesday night, I was in the car with my wife and kids headed to a Texas Rangers game.

We had just exited and were on the access road when things got dicey…

As I mind my own business in the inside lane, the car in the outside lane starts to come into the middle lane.

Then the car in the middle lane, hoping to avoid that car, came into my lane.

To avoid that car side-swiping me, I had to bail out over the curb and on the grass on the side of the highway.

It felt like it all happened in slow motion…I saw the whole thing before it happened.

I had already started getting as I noticed what was going down.

When it happened, Lana, and rightfully so, started to scream. It was scary. Make also went into “mom mode,” turning around to check on the kids.

While she is doing this, I have said nothing and remained super calm.

She was so frustrated and upset with the driver that almost hit us, but I was not.

You night wonder why?

The answer is simple…HIS PERSPECTIVE.

The car that almost hit me didn’t even know I was there.

He was just trying to get out of the way of the car about to hit him.

So I get it, it makes sense to me.

But how many people would have been so ticked. They would have flipped him off. They may have tailgated him for a while.

Why do we do this?

Why do we live in this world as if we are the only one in it.

I tell this story to help us realize something…

If we aren’t careful, our selfishness will distract us from the future clients we are called to serve.

Thing about these questions…

  1. Are you easily irritated?

  2. Do you road rage?

  3. Do you offer little grace?

  4. Do you spend most of your time taking about yourself?

  5. Do you give things away?

Depending on your answers to these questions, you may realize your eyeballs are facing the wrong way!

It’s time to turn them around and focus on others!

Here’s how you do it…

#1 - Consider the other perspective.

What could the other person be going through? Maybe they weren’t trying to hurt you, it just happened that way.

What could happen in your life if you began to give people the benefit of the doubt?

#2 - Slow down.

Quit being in such a hurry all the time.

Road rage is so dumb! People get shot for that crap now…don’t be an dummy!

Slow down, chill out, and take a deep breath.

Just be present. Enjoy the journey. Quit trying to get to each destination so quickly.

Often times, it’s what happens in between our plans that make the biggest impact in our lives!

#3 - Over value people.

People matter.

“Earn the right to be heard by listening to others. Seek to understand a situation before making judgments about it.” 

– John Maxwell

Marinate on that for a moment…

Earn the right to be heard by listening. That’s so powerful!

Seek to understand. Don’t seek to get frustrated.

All we truly have in this life are relationships. Value them. Put people first. All people.

When you do, watch your life and business change for the better!

Kyle Draper