Coach Kyle Draper

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Today is Easter.

Churches are filled with more people this weekend than any other time of the year.

This morning, we got to attend our old church in Oklahoma City.

It was awesome being back home!

My pastor said something that really struck me, and it’s why I’m writing this tonight.

He asked…

“We are all believing something.

Are you believing in something better than Jesus?”

Well, how would you answer this?

What do you put your belief in?

I want to keep this blog short and sweet…


That is the beauty of having a relationship with Jesus.

He makes old things new.

He makes dead things come back to life.

Maybe you’ve been searching for something that now, you are about to find?


Jesus brings with Him, significance.

And it’s not about you or me, being significant.

But about having a purpose of significance.

The part I love most about Jesus is He chose the misfits.

He didn’t choose the religious scholars.

He didn’t choose to valedictorians.

He didn’t really choose the best of anything.

He chose the RIGHT 12, not the BEST 12.

Do you need a do-over? Do you need a restart? Do you need some grace?

Choose Jesus.

The Bible says that when we make the decision to invite Him into our life that the “old is gone and the new has come.”

I want to help people think about this practically…

Life is hard.

Life is unexpected.

Life is not meant to be done alone.

We all believe something.

Is what you believe better than Jesus.

I am praying tonight for YOU.

For breakthrough…

For forgiveness…

For peace…

For patience…

For a fresh start.

I don’t make a lot of “absolutes” in my life…but believing in Jesus is one of them!

Reach out to me if you read this and have questions.