A Few Words To Never Say Out Loud

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Words are powerful.

The Bible describes the tongue as having the power to bring death and life.

It described to be like a rudder on a ship. Small, but possessing the power to turn the entire boat.

And negative self-talk is a real thing.

Consider some of the things you think about yourself…

You would never consider saying them to or about someone else.

But for some reason, you are fair game.

There are two phrases that need to leave your vocabulary forever!

“That Won’t Work”

Stop being negative and assuming the worst.

You know what frustrates me like crazy?

When I work with a Realtor and give them some ideas and before they even consider it, they blurt out…”that won’t work.”

Don’t let your mind go there.

How many good ideas have you had in your life that you never gave opportunity because you assumed it wouldn’t work?

Think about diets…

Different diets help people lose tons of weight…yet their will always be people that swear that certain diets don’t work…

The diet works…you’e the flawed part.

Open up your mind.

Be willing to try new things.

The last idea you squashed may have been the one you were waiting for.

Until you can prove that it doesn’t work…stop saying it!

The second phrase may be worse…

“I’ll do it later”

John Maxwell says…

“Later” is a dream killer.

The Bible says, don’t worry about tomorrow, for it comes with its own problems.

Sometimes I can get so focused on tomorrow, a week from now, a month from now…that I forget about today.

I heard someone say once…

“Today” is the least valued day of the week.

So, let me ask you a question…

Where in your life do you need to stop saying “later”?

Where in your business do you need to stop saying “later”?

Where is “later” allowing you to play it safe?

Where is “later” keeping you in your comfort zone?

Make a commitment right now to stop.

The L word is killing your dreams.

It’s time to kill IT.

Which one of these phrases hurts you the most?

Put your thoughts in the comments. I’d love to hear them!

Kyle Draper1 Comment