Coach Kyle Draper

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Last night I received a text message from a really good friend of mine that I hadn’t talked to in well over a year…

It was one of those moments where I was surprised to see his text come through, but I was so excited to call him.

We talked on the phone for 1 hour and 24 minutes…

What was meant to just be a simple question that he had for me…what not exactly what God had in mind.

We talked about all sorts of things…and you know what I was reminded of?

To just “BE.”

I want to talk about three different phrases that start with “Be” that I believe can make an impact in your life today.

#1 - BE watchful.

How aware are you of the people around you?

Are you sensitive to their needs?

Do you notice when they seem off?

Do you then try to help or act as if you didn’t notice and they are fine.

To be our best to those around us we have to be watchful.

On my call with my good friend, I listened attentively. I wasn’t just trying to hear the words he was saying but listen for what he wasn’t say as well.

I also woke up this morning with him still on my heart…and this leads to #2.

#2 - BE prayerful.

Here was my missed opportunity last night…I should have prayed with my friend before we got off the phone.

And not because I needed to…but I wanted to and didn’t.

Well, this morning, when I woke up and I was still thinking about him, I typed up a prayer on my phone and sent it to him.

When you can, type out prayers for people and send it to them. That will be something they can read over and over again and continue to find power and encouragement from.

Here’s my question for you…

How often are you praying for others?

Your spouse. Your children. Your family. Your business. Your influence. For opportunities. For clarity.

What are you praying for?

Let this blog be the catalyst to call you to greater.

I think most of us would say our prayer life isn’t what we’d like it to be.

No longer, let’s change that today.

#3 - BE ready.

Craig Groeschel said…

“You have no idea what God might do in someone else’s life through one simple act of encouragement. Be available to him today.”

Being watchful is good because that means we are aware of the needs of those around us.

Being prayerful is good because we are tapping into a power source we don’t have on our own.

But being ready is the most important…

Being watchful and prayerful can both be fairly passive activities…

Being ready is ACTIVE! It requires action.

There’s an old pastor joke that goes like this….

“I was driving through the parking lot say, God, I could really use a close space. I could really use a close space. I could really use a close space…oh, never mind, I found one.”

We all act like this at times…we are praying for something specific we don’t give credit to the source and we don’t take action.

Be ready…take action. Show up.

It’s my prayer this week that I’ll be more ready than I’ve been before to walk into opportunities where I can act on His behalf for others. And I can’t wait to tell you the stories.